Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Death Night?!?!/Some Fix-Related Musings

So I'm pretty excited about the prospect of the next Live Event being Death Night.

Below is a cut/paste of the a snippet of lore, for any readers who aren't overly familiar :

"The holiest time of the year for Dark Elves is Death Night. During this night the Witch Elves rule the streets of the Dark Elf cities, capturing anyone they find (whether they are slaves or Dark Elves) and dragging them back to the temples as sacrifice to Khaine. The Witch Elves will even go so far as to break into houses, which has led to Dark Elf families barricading windows and doors during this night. On Death Night, the Witch Elves will also steal away a number of children. Girls captured like this will be trained to become Witch Elves. Boys are tossed in a cauldron of boiling blood. Those that survive are trained to be true adepts of Khaine: the feared assassins. As dawn breaks after Death Night, it is customary for those who lived through the night to make a sacrifice from their own household (usually a favoured slave or elderly relative) as a thanks to the Lord of Murder for sparing their family."

I can't wait to see how they put this into the game!! I am so excited... and I don't even play a Dark Elf! :D

Side note:
As some readers may or may not know, I'm a bit of a lore junky. Ever since I was introduced to the Warhammer world, I've read everything I could get my hands on to learn everything I could. My husband has also been a HUGE help, since he was into the tabletop LONG before I was, and he's answered all sorts of questions ranging from the serious ("So, what kind of Oath would a dwarf have to break to shame himself enough to become a Slayer??") to the utterly silly ("How do orc's pee?") and was super patient with me. (Incidentally, his answer to the latter question was "How the #### should I know?" LOL!)

So I respecc'd yet AGAIN today. I'm trying out a maxed Alchemy spec (with the rest in Dark Rites) that's basically an AP-bot build:

I'd obviously swith tactics/morales around a bit for PvE (the setup in the link would be for scenario premades, mostly.)

I didn't choose to take Chaotic Force at this time simply because I don't have the +heal crit yet to make the best use of it. Once I get some gear upgrades, I'll take a point out of Dark Rites to put in there.

I'm also diggin Aethyric Shock quite a bit. (Electrocuting tanks is FUN!). I was a WoI junky for a long time, but with the short distance it bounces folks around generally means they're back stomping a mudhole in the back of my head in a relatively short amount of time. :( It was fun watching Knights pingpong around, though!!

I am kinda hoping that in the upcoming patch they make a few changes to the game for the better. A few things I'd like to see:

1. Change the "Damage X target for X amount/heal Y target for Y amount" abilities buffed a bit. As it stands right now the CONCEPT is tempting but the implementation insofar as the placement in the trees is off (they don't do enough damage OR healing to warrant them being so near the top.) Either fix the abilities to warrant them such a high position, or leave them as they are and move them down the tree-- or take them out entirely. They're not doing us any good as they are. For instance, Boon of Tzeentch. Great idea in theory, but 232 damage? That's not even enough to heal a defensive target through one tick of a BW Dot. Not to mention it requires an active Harbinger... Now I don't pretend to know how the majority of people play their Zealots, but with the damage increases DPS classes got in 1.1 I barely have time to throw my HoTs on people to try my best to keep them alive nevermind take time for a Harbinger GCD

2. Itemization: If you don't plan on fixing #1, please at least fix our itemization. As in, if our "Damage X target for X amount/heal Y target for Y amount" aren't getting fixed or buffed, take the damned +Intelligence off our high end setpieces! Why on earth would Warlord gear have a +Intelligence bonus for the two piece? Either it's some kind of joke or they actually do plan on fixing #1 above sometime in the near future. *crosses fingers*

3. World Geometry!! I'm heaing rumours of a nerf to the Squig Herder's "Run Away" ability incoming, and I'd like to go on the record as a staunch OPPONENT of this nerf. SH are squishier than I am. You're going to take their best escape method away from them?? The sad thing is, I know what caused this: some naughty SH using the ol' jump-and-punt to sneak into defended keeps. But basically, instead of fixing the world geometry that makes this possible, they nerf one of the best abilities a SH has to keep himself alive? I'm not sure how that makes sense. Meanwhile, Engineer's turrets are still shooting players through the floor of Keep Lord's rooms, White Lion's pets are still climbing walls into keeps with closed doors, etc. *rolls eyes*

4. How about those Immunities? So I'm to understand that the knockback immunity works (as in, if you're knocked back by a player you cant immediately be knocked back again- the one exception I'm aware of being WoI). Why doesn't this same immunity apply to any other CC ability? Really, who cares if you have a knockdown immunity when you're rendered useless for the remainder of your short life by disables, silences, roots, snares, etc.? I mean, why grant an immunity to one and not the rest? Or is this something that is supposed to be in-game and isn't working properly? If it is, FIX PLS! If not, it really needs looking at.

5. Guild Scrolls to dungeons. How many R35 guilds need Gunbad Mountain recall scrolls? 'Nuff said.

6. What's with Black Orc's lack of CC? Every other tank class in the game has multiple CC abilities... while our hulking green friends get nothing but one AOE knockback (affected by the Immunity) and the same Slowing ability that every tank gets, unless they spec to do 2h'er damage? Working under the assumption that most T4 tanks in RvR are specc'd for sword and board, since that's how I see most of them out and about, how about a little more balance here?

I'm sure I'll come up with more and be able to edit this post at a later time... but I'm pretty tired so I think I'll be signing off here. Hopefully I'll ding a RR tomorrow since it's guild RvR night (YAY NO PVE!).

Happy Hunting!


  1. "So I respecc'd yet AGAIN today. I'm trying out a maxed Alchemy spec (with the rest in Dark Rites) that's basically an AP-bot build"

    That is similar to what I was using for my Zealot in LV. I found that the single target with high heal crit was the way to go. It works really well, especially when and elixir lands for 3k+ on a crit.

  2. I'm getting there... now if I could get it to crit more often I'd be all set lol... I can't get Sentinel OR Darkpromise shoes to drop for some reason... Apparently PvE hates me as much as I hate it!

  3. Sounds like you're getting #6 if the leaked notes are anything to trust :)

  4. Don't Black Orcs have enough, poor old Chosen, bastard tanks of Destro.

  5. I haven't even seen any leaked notes yet.

    And yeah, I agree that Chosen need some love too. :)
