Saturday, January 24, 2009

Order: The Righteous and Honorable!

So after being rolled by the Order zerg all day (3 or 4 to one starts to suck pretty hard after a few hours), I find myself in a PUG with a whole bunch of people trying to take objectives and keeps in Kadrin's. There was a little opposition (it was pretty late) but I was kinda enjoying being able to poke my nose out of my warcamp and not getting it sheared off for a change.

We took the Reikland BOs, then went to the south keep. There were a couple groups of Order defending (looked like a guild group-- saw some familiar names) but we managed to take them out after quite a while of beating on the door, etc. My husband went AFK in the keep for a few minutes after it flipped, and come back to see himself being attacked by a swordmaster-- INSIDE the taken keep.

So I head down there to see what's going on, and get up onto the first wall. Suddenly I'm being attacked by the same SM and wound up dead in front of the first keep door... which is closed.

...and there is Order inside attacking the second door.

I'm so sick to death of hearing how dishonest the Destruction side is on our server, and then to bear witness to shit like this after being rolled over like Play-Doh all day. They outnumber us to such a degree all day, then can't even take a keep back legitimately? I mean what the hell? And it's not like their group couldn't have successfully defended that keep... hell, I know we have done it with less people than they had and been victorious. Fact is, they got their asses handed to them by a shoddy PUG and took the cheap way out. How they got in, no idea. Doesn't matter, really. Just the hypocrisy of it disgusts me.

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