Thursday, February 12, 2009

And So It Begins/Against the Grain

So after laying around in bed tonight for a bit, unable to sleep, my husband and I got into a conversation about our new Greenskins. He's really excited about his Choppa and I LOVE gobbos, so I'm actually getting pretty pumped up about playing a shaman. We lay in bed for over an hour talking about the patch and then started bouncing Greenskin names off each other.

Now here is where I am going to go against the grain for me.

All my toons... every one of them... is named after Indan food. It's like a trend with me. I have Vinda Loo, Chana Daal, Masoor Daal, and Tikka masala, who was goign to be my new shaman.

However, for some reason the first gobbo I ever rolled I thought had the best gobbo name ever, even though it went against my naming principles.

The name in question?


Yes, Urp.

Last name? Stinkbref.

So after a bunch of discussion, my husband and I agreed that we are going to roll as TEEM GREEN. Here are our rules:

1. All greenspeak all the time. Use the mod if you have to. Yes, we realise we are not on an RP server. No, we don't give a flying fark at a rolling donut what you think about it.

2. Characters must be appropriately named.

3. You must be Green if you want to roll with TEEM GREEN. No stupid 'umies or pointy-eerz allowed. You can't fool us by dyeing your armor, either.

Off to get started on little Urp. I want to get him to R8 or so so he has his big 'eal for T1 scenarios. :)

--Miz V out.

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