After spending the evening skirmishing in Caledor, I'm noticing a really stupid trend.
Now I'm not sure how it is on other servers, but what the hell makes people so afraid to die?
It's an MMO. A video game. A virtual world. You're not REALLY dying, you instantly resurrect. And in Caledor, given that most of the skirmishes are centred around that one centre BO, you have literally a 5 second walk back to where all the fighting is. So what's the deal?
I mean, I could go into some psych-rant about how we're raising a nation of pussified girly-men these days, but I'm not even sure if that's it. People just seem to have this insane and idiotic sense of self-preservation almost when it comes to their virtual avatar. We have people here and there that will run in and push the line, but those people are few and far between. Mostly, those poor folks are the ones getting slaughtered while the entire rest of our group hides out of range, shivering in their Bloodwades at the thought of their character potentially having to res at the warcamp 100 yards away. If you roll a melee class, hiding back with the healers on the opposite side of the bridge from the fighting NOT DOING ANYTHING is NOT your job.
As some of you may know, my husband rerolled on Iron Rock with me as a Black Orc. He's the agressive type, and has no problems either running into their lines and wreaking havoc or peeling some Order WH off me if need be. It's a great thing to have your big, green, muscular protector sitting three feet from you... not having to hit the Vent button to communicate makes his reactions even faster. Orgrune and Deathwed, two of our other tanks, are also aggressive, and know how to perform their roles similarly. I don't die much in our premades with them around, and we have no problem pushing Order all the way back to their momma's house if necessary.
So what gives? What's the deal with almost everyone else? Why are you so afraid to die? I mean, you rolled MDPS, so doesn't that imply, by the very nature of your toon, that you're supposed to be... I dunno... melee'ing? I have no problems healing the HELL out of some tank or marauder or witch elf that is trying to gank squishies or harry healers.... which leads me to one of the problems I think is the culprit.
What is the deal with people thinking they can only heal within their groups? Sure, its easy to spam group heals, but if you see someone in the warband losing HP and you have the chance to save them, why not do it? My husband (who will from this point on be known as Clubbin, as that is his Black Orc's name) performed a bit of a test tonight.
I decided to take a break from the game for a bit. He had died twice in the time it took me to log off from getting no heals whatsoever. So, he ran in again, hit Hold the Line!, and started backing up. Now, he has a little over 10k HP with no procs or buffs, and he's a BLACK ORC.... and I watched with my mouth hanging open as he walked backwards all the way back to the middle of the destro group, surrounded with his own Realm-mates, and not one of the other 5 healers remaining in the group so much as put a HoT on him. Like... NO green text whatsoever. You know how long it takes for RDPS to chew through a 10k HP Black Orc? A friggin while. And not one, single, solitary heal. Not even a piddly insta-HoT. Nothing.
So I guess this blog is really just to simply say... STOP IT.
If you are an MDPS player:
STOP being a lame-assed pussified jackass and go kill squishies. Go harry healers. Go smash that Bright Wizard in the face. That Archmage over there? Picture him as made of glass. KILL KILL KILL. And while you're at it, see the Ironbreaker? Unless he's in the back bothering squishes... LEAVE HIM ALONE.
If you're a healer:
Heal everyone. Yes, yes, I know. Spamming group heals over and over and over again makes you have REALLY big scenario numbers, but you are NOT being effective... and NOT helping anyone outside of yourself and the other 5 people in your group. Heal proactively. Heal dynamically. Keep all your Sorc's HoT'ed and all your MPDS pushing the line healed, whether or not they are in your group or the one two rows down.
People need to start performing their roles properly or go play some other game where other people don't rely on you to perform a certain task.
-Miz V OUT.
My Console Pipeline
8 years ago
All that they want is the scenario board screenshotcwith them at the top, winning be damned.
ReplyDeleteI have to bite in something every time I see a tank stagger backwards, because there are enemies. My WH dies often because I want to mix up the enemy caster lines and get no support from my healers/tanks (though I tell to me every time that hopefully my team uses the seconds I gave them by distracting the casters well).
ReplyDeleteI must admit that my IB stands back at the healers when there are enough MDPS and other tanks around.. He's brotherhood-specced and I think that my job then is to keep the healers alive.
If there are not many tanks around I grab me a Warrior Priest and charge the enemy lines.. just to die because our lines stop at the tanks-linefrom destruction.. Guess who gets beaten up, because he charged through those lines? ;)
I guess this is an overall problem, not just at your server..
You wrote that as if you were channeling me.
ReplyDeleteIts Waaagh not Waaaaaaaaaa, stop looking for your Mummy and Charge.
Amen. I have a White Lion alt, and it's lead me to see another problem with players in general. They're SLOW. Every scenario, I'm ahead of the pack, and not just because of charge. Example: Nordenwatch. I start with flee, as soon as I can, usually at about 0:02, or 0:01 before scenario starts. By the time Flee is done, I'm steps ahead of anyone else who actually had the for-thought to use the skill and head to the important target: The fortress.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I tend to charge past all the front liners and start pounding on the zealots/sorcs/etc... that like to sit in the back and defend. Between medium armor, and my lion, I've turned the tide multiple times by just screwing with the back line. I have found though, that the more I do that, the more peopel see me consitantly melting faces, the more frequently I see healers keeping me up. It just takes a few scenarios with all of us in them to clue in.